Sunday, September 30, 2012

Those Who Quietly Endure The Harsh Words of Others Will Perish and Their Silence Does Nothing For Their Abuser But Enables Them To Use And Abuse More!

The choice of a woman or a child...even a grown up son or daughter quietly enduring the arrogant towering authority of a husband father is always a mistake for once a woman begins the life pattern of "Taking It" from him...

He makes the proud assumption after possibly the first week of marriage that "My father was king with an Iron Fist and a Dirty Mouth So I will be too!" as if because he now owns his own house it is his God given right to be rude and crude to his own family for life forever and ever unlike the "Fairy Tales read over and over again....The End: "And They Lived Happily Ever After!" 

Well if what has gone on behind closed doors in the household of all relations both the blood which they say is thicker than water but they drinkk not HIS Blood that was shed to cleanse them pure that they may have peace which surpasses all understanding  life and enjoy life to the fullest and thus they harbor anger always because their sins are more plentiful than the moth eaten clothing in their packed full many wardrobes and their corroded silver and gold that could have fixed their own children's teeth log ago weighs them down so far...

In their old age they find themselves empty and vacant of anything of value for the sons that stayed around have also captured their spirit and likewise have chosen not God's best that is offered each human being.

Each human child...boy or girl created by God to live for God spreading HIS loving Mercy which he him or herself had to be tenderly shown first...

How else can anyone now how if he nor she had never been loved.

But if that boy or girl or wife and mother chooses to remain with an abusive husband...father
One who does not love her ...who does not tenderly nurse her body as his own flesh nor as Jesus Christ loves the Church laying HIS Life and Body down for us that we may not be slaves to sin...

To use a phrase my own husband coined long ago: "They are their own worst enemy."

For once one has sinned if he or she does not receive sacramental absolution for their many sins they simply fester faster and faster multiply like yeast telling bigger fibbers to conceal that which he was first ashamed of had no morality anyway...but because he believed Satans lies handed down for generations because he failed to read God's Holy Word for himself and let it penetrate.

Had the Catholic Church long ago instead of making hard fast rules such as: Catholics can never marry non-Catholics.

 But instead taught what the scripture says:  "Never unevenly yoke yourselves in marriage" and explained thoroughly that by marrying a CaCatholic like yourselves you at least know what your wife or husband has been raised with same moral values as yourself.  While it is not easy for any marriage to endure an entire life time together always having the exact same view point or opinion of crucial matters...

At least the likelihood is that a Catholic husband would never require anything immoral of his wife or children. 

Sadly even today there exists CaCatholics, even Knights of Columbus who seek other men's wives...
Catholic Rosary praying women who have lesbian relationships even requesting or inviting new friends with the word "Women" following "Interests" on their Facebook information page sometimes toting a big giant crucifix around their neck with a back drop of seminary...or photos of herself squeezing another woman's flesh.

A mother, father, wife, sister or brother who silently watches not correcting their life style saying:  "well if you want to see your children...if you don't want them to stop coming or calling you better just be quiet!"

Such a mother, father, sister or brother is no mother, father, sister or brother to them or to Jesus for only he or she who not only does the will but upholds the TRUTH of the Holy Gospels and Sacred Scriptures is mother father sister and brother to ME said the Lord Jesus!

We are all called to be great Saints so don't miss the opportunity says Mother Angelica of foundress of EWTN...and as the song says: Saints can never be silent and when the Holy Spirit whelps up in you writing HIS Words on your heart to speak and you hold those words back you are guilty of the only unforgivable sin QUENCHING THE HOLY SPIRIT!

So hold not the TRUTH back though the men and women in convicts will not like it...

For as Saint Poeman said:  "Teach your heart to guard what your tongue teaches"

My mother and yours possibly also always said: "PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH" but they did not either!
Requiring us to lie for them answer the pone and say: "I AM NOT HOME"

And do you really ask why so many have gone astray making poor choices that there exists the number of both violent and non-violent inmate prisoners in this country?

Google:  Times Picayune "Louisiana Incarcerated" and read the 8 day series of articles from only a few months ago and see for yourself how many have chosen not a different life style of behavior from their fathers.

But today right now regardless what kind of bondage your poor choice or the wrongful choices of your own spouse have placed you...
The Holy Scriptures only bind a wife to her husband if he is living out the biblical description of a Holy husband.

Blood is thicker than water they say?   If washed by HIS Precious Holy Blood and Baptized in the waters HE has Blessed no impurity will ever be seen by anyone for his & her words likewise will always be pure and healing for harshness and hardness of the heart does not exist!

Amen Amen Amen!

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