Sunday, August 4, 2013

Folks Must Be Careful to Not Take Ownership of Other's Sin Through Silence

Indifference is a disease about which our new precious Pope Francis has had much to say.

Silence too is also a sin for more often charity requires us to speak and bring about change.

But also when we ourselves do not open our mouth and correct someone who we witness sin against another sister or brother...
Or we do not correct someone who sins against ourselves...

Or silence actually gives them permission to keep abusing...
So by ones silence they are actually taking part condoning and supporting the crimes of one against their sister or brother or even themselves.

Silence is rarely a virtue in spite of what any teacher says...even if you happen to be Mrs Melancon the grade school teacher...  Silence is only golden when inside God's Holy Sanctuary which such reverence is difficult to find these days.

As Mother Angelica says:  We are all called to be great Saints...Don't miss the opportunity!
Open your mouth justly and honorably.

Amen!  Amen Amen!